Saturday, November 24, 2018

ACE Senior Fitness Specialist

I am happy to say that I have finished and passed my ACE Senior Fitness Specialist Program! 

Below is what I found regarding The American Council on Exercise on Wikipedia.

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) is a nonprofit organization with global reach that works to improve physical-activity levels by certifying exercise professionals and health coaches, publishing original research, convening experts on physical activity and health, working directly with community groups, and advocating for policies to get people more active. The 80,000 exercise professionals and health coaches certified by ACE help people engage in physical activity and adopt healthier lifestyles.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Silver Sneakers Yoga

Silver Sneakers is a great way for eligible seniors to stay or get in shape.  Not everybody, at any age, is at the same place physically.  Also, many have different exercise or activity preferences.

It is with great pleasure that I am now certified to teach Silver Sneakers Yoga! 

I now have completed the following Silver Sneakers instructor workshops:


However in order to teach a Silver Sneakers Class, I need to be hired at a venue that offers Silver Sneakers. So, that will be my next find a place in my local area of Palm Beach Gardens to teach a Silver Sneakers class!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

It's Your Call

When it comes to working out, everyone has their own preference as to what they like to do for exercise. Some people may prefer something more sedate and others may want something a lot more vigorous.

As a woman passes the age of 30, one needs to concentrate on all aspects of fitness. Although, you are still young, with each year that passes, one loses muscle.  This is called Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss).

Prior to this time in life, one tends to concentrate more on cardio.  However, cardio is very taxing on the body and in the long run, it doesn't help with burning calories as much as strength training does. 

Strength training is the king!  This is because not only does it help you burn calories at a higher rate around the clock, it also helps you stay stronger as you age because it helps to fight the natural age-related muscle loss.

When a woman reaches her 40s or 50s, she may start noticing that she isn't as strong as she used to be.  This is the time to really step up the strength training.  Once she gets into her 60s, she may even start to notice her balance and flexibility isn't what it once was.

Because I am in my 60s, and have worked at my fitness throughout the years, and still notice a difference in my strength, I try to help women work within their capabilities to work on all the various elements of fitness.  I know what the aging body feels like, and I don't push past what is safe.

The tools for living a better quality of life for years to come include the following elements:


By the 60s and 70s, it is rare that one doesn't have any issues with their lower backs, knees, hips, shoulders or ankles.  I can help you work on these areas to prevent possible future injuries.  If you have already injured any of these areas and have already finished rehab, I can assist you in continuing the rehab.

Some of the exercise equipment I have are:

Medicine Balls
Stability Balls
Free Weights
Ballet Bar
Weighted Body Bars
Battle Ropes
Resistance Bands & Tubes
Thane Total Flex
Pilates Power Gym Plus

Wonder Core Abdominal
Ankle Weights
NordicTrack Recumbent Bike
Vibration Platform 

So you can see, there can be a lot of variety in one's workouts!  You may not use all the equipment, but it is available. I strive to change up your workout from time to keep you from getting bored and keep your muscles from adapting to the workout--which can keep you from progressing.

Our sessions are private in my studio.  You don't have to fight for equipment or workout in a noisy environment.  Alexa helps us have music that YOU like! (To me, music makes a workout more enjoyable!)

Please contact me if you have any questions.  I would love to help you achieve your fitness goals. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Brains & Balance Past 60

This weekend I'll be attending four NEW Brains & Balance Past 60 workshops.  I'm excited because there is always something new to learn!  Clients' workouts can get repetitious, or they can get bored doing the same thing during each workout.  This helps me to keep things fresh, fun and challenging.

Here are the names of the four separate workshops I'll be taking:

1.  Living Fearless:  Exercise, Balance & Core Strength

2.  Walking Tall:  Mobility Drills for Seniors

3.  The Vibrant Senior:  Putting the FUN in Functional Training

4.  Strong Minds:  Exercise & Cognitive Function

Monday, March 19, 2018

Functional Fitness For The Mature Woman

In our busy lives, sometimes we put other's needs first.  As women, we've been doing this all our lives.  First as children, then as wives and mothers, and even later as caregivers to aging parents.

Let's face it, life is busy, and we can always find excuses to put off exercise.  This is a big mistake!  As we age, we start to lose muscle.  So strength training and exercise is even more crucial than you probably thought. If you don't make time for fitness, you may find that you need more and more assistance doing things that you used to do without a second thought!

In addition to strength training to help you stay independent well into your old age, it is important to work on your balance, agility, mobility, stability and even your cognition. These are elements of functional fitness.

I've taken many workshops which focus on baby boomers and seniors to help with each of these aspects of fitness for the mature body.

Sometimes, in order to be able to put yourself first (for a change), you should schedule your workouts as you would a doctor appointment or a business meeting.  Write it on your calendar, if that helps, and don't cancel.

As an baby boomer myself, I understand a woman's aging body.  My goal is to help a woman get a good workout without the fear of her getting injured.